Dear America ,
Hey what’s up sister!?! Haven't seen ya in a long time, really. I miss all the good times we used to have when I was a little kid. Things have changed. I should say it more like this: Boy, have YOU changed! I remember when you were so generous with work and if you worked hard, then guess what, Jack - you’re getting a paycheck! You’re not like that anymore because your friends and cousins had to get the job that they couldn't perform instead of those who could like people that are certified. You thought if you had a comfortable environment, America, Miss America, with people that you thought you could trust, that you would blossom further and further and get richer and richer. It's almost like the first time Apple fell. The first time Apple fell, the truth behind that held on preference instead of what was good for Apple but they became bigheaded and well you know how the story goes. Many people lost house and car and wife and kids leaving behind families that could have succeeded but instead, you sold them all through your craft. It was like a strange Twilight Zone episode, except it was real and the ugliness hit 2008. Back when investors began to hold ALL MONIES back in 96' and the slow stabbing westward bounced back so wretchedly, that you would not believe how many cases were so the same. There were almost 18 class of people and endless amounts of people in each class who had lost their jobs in 2008 alone. Have you all wondered why well-known companies would hire just anyone and not a proper factor who has not only the right credentials but show one to be upright in one's attitude toward their position currently held? But noooo, you pick the person that probably either looks like you or only agrees with you on most things that have nothing to do with your work integrity. Losing jobs in America used to be about a person not having integrity. Like hello, when a person would get fired for not being on time, calling out or not showing up, just being lazy or if the worst being starting a fight and the least not being quick enough, that's what you could be fired on a job for back in the day. Now you get fired if you look and smile and say hello to an other individual, WTFudge, I mean isn't that what America stood for? A cool and honest pride was the tone that was set back in the late 1700's. A time where if you had a job not only did you hold on to it but you busted your ass to keep it! Now let's not forget, the certain class, and I don't care if anyone gets mad at me, don't cry. No babies. Just read. Well, there are certain kinds of workers who did all the same things that everyone else did back in the day and I don't have to even go back all the way to the late 1700's, but lets just take a peek at the mid 80's and I don't mean to be a prick about but the middle class in the mid 80's cuz they were more honest then. An American man came home from a hard day's work and was happy to be with his family. Now the truths are being told but regardless some hold on to fears like security blankets. Some Americans are still holding on to the hate and fear and take sides with the rich and ride that Republican elephant when they have no right to. I don't oppose any party unless it causes problems in our country. Oh wait, that's all parties lol. Family is the most important thing in a country. Families who are together and happy and appreciative and work together stay and grow together and residualize asset for their own personal life, community and country in three ways: One's money, time and talent. These are the people who are hurting in the process, just regular good old American families. Today, there are no families because there is so much divorce from good men losing their jobs! I wanna ask if we can look past secret societies for a moment and support the idea of wellness in a nation, I dunno but you guys gotta hear me. I'm talkin about just being good for cryin' out loud! Remember that, anyone? I remember when men were good for just the sake of being good and made right choices for himself and his family. Now everyone is putting their private lives on the internet because they are lonely and board. People are not really bored but their spirits are bored. So, the individual feels bored with life. IF the individual being him or her, HE OR SHE, doing the right thing and making the right choice morally and ethically, then the outcome, regardless of knowledge, physical strength or idiosyncrasy at that moment, the person's outcome will ALWAYS be victorious in favor of that individual because he or she made the right choice. NOT THE WAY CORPORATIONS DO TODAY!
So, America, we agree that the job thing is a ball in your court right,.....I mean I'll drop it for now but I just wana make sure we're clear on that.
Ok, now, I just wanna go over some other things - like I remember when it was cool to go online. Now you have to be careful of jerks who like to hack you and make it seem as though you have done something. I don't know folks, like the show Burn Notice. Now if you ain’t no super genius at computers, then be very careful and don't click on anything and only talk to people you know, and don't say what you mean. LOL. America, I remember when things weren't so fast like they are now with the ipads and ipods, iphones and I mod, Me time, no hugs and stupid medications and bad habits that have cause a wide-spread epidemic among good people today.America ,
it seems we have some making up to do but first I just want to remind you of
why you’re so awesome to me and what I love about you. Ok, here it goes.
I do love you America because you brought me The Doors, Weeble Wobbles, Pizza, Skateboarding, Karate Tournaments, Little League, AT&T so I was able to talk to my friends and girlfriends growing up; Twizzlers, LIFE cereal, going to the park, driving to school, The Tonight Show, Howard Stern, The Blue Note Jazz Club, the movie It's A Wonderful Life and Four Rooms, renting VHS movies and watching on Friday night with cousins and friends while eating McDonald’s burgers and fries. Ice Skating in NYC, Miami beaches, BLING, Beer Pong, PANTERA, E-TOWN CONCRETE, Rage Against The Machine, Karaoke, Great Adventure-Six Flags, Haunted Mansions, Rap music, Open Mic nights, Fake Wrestling formerly known as WWF, Polaroids, Swatch, IHOP, Break Dancing, Walkmans, Movie Stars in office, Time Magazine, NBC, Billy Graham, Tab soda, Hot Cheese Popcorn, 2 cent and 5 cent candy in the 80's, the Best Horror Films ever, CHEECH & CHONG, V-8, Kid’s Meals, This is Your Life, Ed Sullivan, Aretha Franklin's "Respect," Elvira, ALL IN THE FAMILY, SANFORD AND SON, WALL STREET, BILL CLINTON, ANDY WARHOL, SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, FORD, LINCOLN, CADILLAC, CHEVY, BUDWEISER (not really), MARLBORO (sorry I know that’s all bad stuff), ALL THE EXPERIENCE WITH MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND SCHOOL AND WORK, waking up to Saturday morning cartoons, especially School House Rock!America ,
I love you for now and yesteryear and everything in between. And the real part of it, the wonderous, loving-kind and amazing part is that I didn't care for any of those things but that it felt so good to experience human life and now I can tell all the world about and its all because of you, America. I am certainly not perfect because of all my failures but the Great Love always takes care of my needs. All I can say is, Oh well, that's life. Que Sera, Sera! Hell, I'll even take the bad with the good but can't we just
make up and go back to the way things used to be? Please...I love you - don't you still love me,
America ?
I just would like to take my hat off to all the Afrikkans, Hebrews and all the rest of the world but would like to specifically thank all my black people (my brothers & sisters) inAmerica
for making us the sassiest country in the entire world. I want to start naming so many great people like George Washington Carver and Martin Luther King Jr, or people like Kamu Bell who hosts Totally Biased or the lead singer of American Death Metal band OCEANO Adam Warren, who are not only products of their environment but have pressed against the machine and fought back and stood and prevailed against an undying Beast, THE SYSTEM! There were conservative-republican Jews in the 60's who not only were not racist but considered Afrikka KIN! I don't know but many from NY to Cali, north, south, east and west there were so many people back then who remain as an icon of love and peace in all eyes of those who walk after light in so many black communities in America. Back then, we could not do this. We couldn't walk past the barriers that were made impossible to break unless we broke ourselves such as those who are under-credited for this future we have today. More naming names is not necessary but all power and favor to every single black person on this earth regardless of whether that one black human deserves it or not!, you can't even deny that Mexicans built this country in hospitality and heck, just about every trade. I don't even care what statistics say because I saw it with my own eyes; Mexicans are a factor whose credit is overdue and that's all I will say about Mexicans. Don't worry lol, I won't touch immigration. That subject is only for windbaggers. Lol. You know we have a black president, the best musicians, best athletes, and so much more that has brought a new fabric, untearable to this now spaghetti of a mess nation. Still, even if this country has a big mess to clean up, I'm so proud to be here now. I'm proud to have been born here and not inAfrikka ,
Israel or Mexico . I don't
know - it would be nice to be there in those places mentioned and learn more of cultural aspects of life, but as far as America ,
I love it. I don't like all the bad stuff that goes on in this country and I'm
not just talking about crime on the street but in the office as well.
I know and believe that there is corruption in all lands and there is so much that we can do about it. Posting hate ads about corruption, doesn't help fight against corruption. Being together and starting from the bottom up and fixing the little things that most of the budget turns to deficit due to a spiritual return. Money - is it the way everything is supposed to be? I know you’re probably thinking, oh great, just another dreamer, dreamin' away the days, tryin' to make everyone see with eyes of lollipop/rainbow ignorance…but I'm not. I'm one who searches for truth and one with experience and standing intimacy with truth. Let’s talk truth here. You know what’s wrong and right, you know black and white and grey because we are all guilty of it AND not only guilty of it but guilty of condoning it, allowing it, following it, mimicking it, devouring it, being it and faking it! Knock it off people, let’s get real! You can complain about this country or any governing sect on this earth but if we just stand back and not only allow all the chaos right outside our front door as Americans, but also become that which we despise. If we, America, follows darkness and does what it does and say what it says to say and if it says jump we say "How High", then we have nothing to complain about. Whether or not you want to believe this, spirituality and karmically, the laws of the Universe are surely real. So if this is true, why are people not seeing with open eyes? I will tell you why. Because everyone is so busy with me, myself and I. Me and I, me and I and I always follows me. Even people who try to fight against the slivering and disintegrating of our economy and using it against us to rob us of our freedom has become a perverted thing. Most people today are fighting so hard at their jobs just to barely make it. Young people out there turning to what ever the heck brings in the dough. Single moms, people with no Social Security, single dads, accident cases trying to get back in the working world - it's all just a mess. So what do we do? We start from the bottom and re-learn love. We re-learn manners, prudence and stewardship. We act in only the best interest of our neighbor and community. We go back to the old-fashioned sense which was the only sense back then - but this time we do it right.
Karma, goodness, G-d, whoever, what ever you think it is, ladies and gentlemen; it’s all about goodness and love and kindness and gentleness and patience and fore-bearing one another, regardless of race, creed, color, financial status, physical appearance, or what the heck ever. It's so simple to look with the eyes of your heartAmerica and
stop all the stuff that you cause hurt to you. No more fighting, no more
jealousy, envy - it causes strife. No more fighting for the top position - let
him or her have it. You'll get what you deserve if you do the right thing. No
more stealing and cheating. Don't worry; this Universe loves and cares for you
and has already given you the right to call things to your well-being and have
it work towards the prospering of every aspect in your life. Can we go back to
being the best country ever? Can we instead of giving money away, get dirty
ourselves and do the work? THERE'S SO MUCH FRIGGIN’ WORK OUT THERE! Where the
heck are the brains of the heads of these companies these days and the people
they hire? You can't get good help these days is not the truth. They can, they
just rather have someone else look for them and put a person through the
So many people who are doing well credit-wise in the tri-state area face a harder time finding work. And all for what, so some people who hide can be ultimately rich/ Dang man, who doesn't want to be super filthy rich these days? But it's what our minds and mouths say in which it is given. Our actions not only speak louder than words but are connected to the super power of all existence and it works what ever way you work it.
I totally believe in karma because if you look at space and all that is currently occurring, you will most certainly find that everything and a human does on earth from thinking to speaking and doing acts of anything affect the universe. There are so many different ideas about karma just look at the proof. I mean I'm not trying to paint a negative picture here. I can tell you all kinds of grime I grew up with on the east coast but who the heck cares about that crap. It's not knowing the truth about something but knowing what to do after you received truth is what the key to solving problems. Also, this whole thing with not having patience or the brutality in teaching and up-bringing is not cool. Its so nice to just smile and say, "It’s ok, you'll get it. Don't worry - just focus. I'm here for you and I have your back!" Instead, for years we have been creating the residue of what you see today. Rush, rush, rush and be elite! What a crock of retarded poop!
I remember Thomas Paine's book Rights of a Man/Common Sense he spoke about running from the English and coming here because they were doing the same damned thing. Control fixation all the way home! What the heck is all the fear about!? Have we completely lost contact with true essence, or did we simply just didn't want to see the emptiness of a cold-hearted society not only being taken over by mind controlling crap, but the reason why we are so easy enslaved these days is because the home is not what it could be.
Moms, dads - what’s going on? Afraid you’re going to lose something because you don't want to show them what’s better? Just sitting down and watching what they want to watch is enough to give them the comfort they need to attain a healthy social status but you see what we have here in this age is a bunch of ‘what’s in it for me?’ attitude, hailing all the way from janitors to corporate conglomerates. Kids, too - being as mean as mean can get and doing what they have to do to survive the life.
SOMEBODY SCREAM! I hear ya, Occupying factors out there inWatch Land .
I know y’all truly care and are doing everything in your power to digitally
publish information that is worth having and useful to the not only American
but any person on earth willing to do the right thing in life. Period!
Life the way it was back then, may have not had its conveniences but it had moxy! Life back in the day had balls. Yeah man, I said it! Back in the day, you didn't have a computer but you knew where to meet on a Friday night. Back then you didn't have a cell phone but made sure you wrote a note to your friend day before. Today everyone is so cold and people are only after one thing, and that is to be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of goodness and right standing. Hell, I'm not talking about people's personal lives because no one can do anything about anyone but themselves. I'm talking about how we live with each other on earth. How we work together and share everything. What is our goal in life? Is it the pride of life and is it on some sick psycho carrousel that doesn't stop unless you turn the other way and walk and never go down that road again!?!
You ever wonder why certain people on this earth lived greatly? Because they were great? I'm not talking about ability because Moses was definitely a “not so bright” character who totally changed the future ofIsrael . So this
great light of love existing and manifesting through the universe to us and out
to everyone else is awaiting our awakening. We can say what ever we like but the
proof is in the pudding. I have to say America, for being a truly blessed
country with much abundance, time and treasure and talent on our turf, you cannot
only save yourself, but you can save the world.
I ain’t talking about souls, but the environment because once we have a
straight enough head to see the Light and do its work, we can work together
even if we don't agree with the details of our own existentialism and push
forward to a better future for our children's children and the purpose in which
all nations truly stand for. Its not hard, its called being good. For once in
your life America ,
be good and good will come.
I love you.
Criss Blakk
P.S. If we follow our true self, it will only lead to good things.
Hey what’s up sister!?! Haven't seen ya in a long time, really. I miss all the good times we used to have when I was a little kid. Things have changed. I should say it more like this: Boy, have YOU changed! I remember when you were so generous with work and if you worked hard, then guess what, Jack - you’re getting a paycheck! You’re not like that anymore because your friends and cousins had to get the job that they couldn't perform instead of those who could like people that are certified. You thought if you had a comfortable environment, America, Miss America, with people that you thought you could trust, that you would blossom further and further and get richer and richer. It's almost like the first time Apple fell. The first time Apple fell, the truth behind that held on preference instead of what was good for Apple but they became bigheaded and well you know how the story goes. Many people lost house and car and wife and kids leaving behind families that could have succeeded but instead, you sold them all through your craft. It was like a strange Twilight Zone episode, except it was real and the ugliness hit 2008. Back when investors began to hold ALL MONIES back in 96' and the slow stabbing westward bounced back so wretchedly, that you would not believe how many cases were so the same. There were almost 18 class of people and endless amounts of people in each class who had lost their jobs in 2008 alone. Have you all wondered why well-known companies would hire just anyone and not a proper factor who has not only the right credentials but show one to be upright in one's attitude toward their position currently held? But noooo, you pick the person that probably either looks like you or only agrees with you on most things that have nothing to do with your work integrity. Losing jobs in America used to be about a person not having integrity. Like hello, when a person would get fired for not being on time, calling out or not showing up, just being lazy or if the worst being starting a fight and the least not being quick enough, that's what you could be fired on a job for back in the day. Now you get fired if you look and smile and say hello to an other individual, WTFudge, I mean isn't that what America stood for? A cool and honest pride was the tone that was set back in the late 1700's. A time where if you had a job not only did you hold on to it but you busted your ass to keep it! Now let's not forget, the certain class, and I don't care if anyone gets mad at me, don't cry. No babies. Just read. Well, there are certain kinds of workers who did all the same things that everyone else did back in the day and I don't have to even go back all the way to the late 1700's, but lets just take a peek at the mid 80's and I don't mean to be a prick about but the middle class in the mid 80's cuz they were more honest then. An American man came home from a hard day's work and was happy to be with his family. Now the truths are being told but regardless some hold on to fears like security blankets. Some Americans are still holding on to the hate and fear and take sides with the rich and ride that Republican elephant when they have no right to. I don't oppose any party unless it causes problems in our country. Oh wait, that's all parties lol. Family is the most important thing in a country. Families who are together and happy and appreciative and work together stay and grow together and residualize asset for their own personal life, community and country in three ways: One's money, time and talent. These are the people who are hurting in the process, just regular good old American families. Today, there are no families because there is so much divorce from good men losing their jobs! I wanna ask if we can look past secret societies for a moment and support the idea of wellness in a nation, I dunno but you guys gotta hear me. I'm talkin about just being good for cryin' out loud! Remember that, anyone? I remember when men were good for just the sake of being good and made right choices for himself and his family. Now everyone is putting their private lives on the internet because they are lonely and board. People are not really bored but their spirits are bored. So, the individual feels bored with life. IF the individual being him or her, HE OR SHE, doing the right thing and making the right choice morally and ethically, then the outcome, regardless of knowledge, physical strength or idiosyncrasy at that moment, the person's outcome will ALWAYS be victorious in favor of that individual because he or she made the right choice. NOT THE WAY CORPORATIONS DO TODAY!
So, America, we agree that the job thing is a ball in your court right,.....I mean I'll drop it for now but I just wana make sure we're clear on that.
Ok, now, I just wanna go over some other things - like I remember when it was cool to go online. Now you have to be careful of jerks who like to hack you and make it seem as though you have done something. I don't know folks, like the show Burn Notice. Now if you ain’t no super genius at computers, then be very careful and don't click on anything and only talk to people you know, and don't say what you mean. LOL. America, I remember when things weren't so fast like they are now with the ipads and ipods, iphones and I mod, Me time, no hugs and stupid medications and bad habits that have cause a wide-spread epidemic among good people today.
I do love you America because you brought me The Doors, Weeble Wobbles, Pizza, Skateboarding, Karate Tournaments, Little League, AT&T so I was able to talk to my friends and girlfriends growing up; Twizzlers, LIFE cereal, going to the park, driving to school, The Tonight Show, Howard Stern, The Blue Note Jazz Club, the movie It's A Wonderful Life and Four Rooms, renting VHS movies and watching on Friday night with cousins and friends while eating McDonald’s burgers and fries. Ice Skating in NYC, Miami beaches, BLING, Beer Pong, PANTERA, E-TOWN CONCRETE, Rage Against The Machine, Karaoke, Great Adventure-Six Flags, Haunted Mansions, Rap music, Open Mic nights, Fake Wrestling formerly known as WWF, Polaroids, Swatch, IHOP, Break Dancing, Walkmans, Movie Stars in office, Time Magazine, NBC, Billy Graham, Tab soda, Hot Cheese Popcorn, 2 cent and 5 cent candy in the 80's, the Best Horror Films ever, CHEECH & CHONG, V-8, Kid’s Meals, This is Your Life, Ed Sullivan, Aretha Franklin's "Respect," Elvira, ALL IN THE FAMILY, SANFORD AND SON, WALL STREET, BILL CLINTON, ANDY WARHOL, SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, FORD, LINCOLN, CADILLAC, CHEVY, BUDWEISER (not really), MARLBORO (sorry I know that’s all bad stuff), ALL THE EXPERIENCE WITH MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND SCHOOL AND WORK, waking up to Saturday morning cartoons, especially School House Rock!
I just would like to take my hat off to all the Afrikkans, Hebrews and all the rest of the world but would like to specifically thank all my black people (my brothers & sisters) in, you can't even deny that Mexicans built this country in hospitality and heck, just about every trade. I don't even care what statistics say because I saw it with my own eyes; Mexicans are a factor whose credit is overdue and that's all I will say about Mexicans. Don't worry lol, I won't touch immigration. That subject is only for windbaggers. Lol. You know we have a black president, the best musicians, best athletes, and so much more that has brought a new fabric, untearable to this now spaghetti of a mess nation. Still, even if this country has a big mess to clean up, I'm so proud to be here now. I'm proud to have been born here and not in
I know and believe that there is corruption in all lands and there is so much that we can do about it. Posting hate ads about corruption, doesn't help fight against corruption. Being together and starting from the bottom up and fixing the little things that most of the budget turns to deficit due to a spiritual return. Money - is it the way everything is supposed to be? I know you’re probably thinking, oh great, just another dreamer, dreamin' away the days, tryin' to make everyone see with eyes of lollipop/rainbow ignorance…but I'm not. I'm one who searches for truth and one with experience and standing intimacy with truth. Let’s talk truth here. You know what’s wrong and right, you know black and white and grey because we are all guilty of it AND not only guilty of it but guilty of condoning it, allowing it, following it, mimicking it, devouring it, being it and faking it! Knock it off people, let’s get real! You can complain about this country or any governing sect on this earth but if we just stand back and not only allow all the chaos right outside our front door as Americans, but also become that which we despise. If we, America, follows darkness and does what it does and say what it says to say and if it says jump we say "How High", then we have nothing to complain about. Whether or not you want to believe this, spirituality and karmically, the laws of the Universe are surely real. So if this is true, why are people not seeing with open eyes? I will tell you why. Because everyone is so busy with me, myself and I. Me and I, me and I and I always follows me. Even people who try to fight against the slivering and disintegrating of our economy and using it against us to rob us of our freedom has become a perverted thing. Most people today are fighting so hard at their jobs just to barely make it. Young people out there turning to what ever the heck brings in the dough. Single moms, people with no Social Security, single dads, accident cases trying to get back in the working world - it's all just a mess. So what do we do? We start from the bottom and re-learn love. We re-learn manners, prudence and stewardship. We act in only the best interest of our neighbor and community. We go back to the old-fashioned sense which was the only sense back then - but this time we do it right.
Karma, goodness, G-d, whoever, what ever you think it is, ladies and gentlemen; it’s all about goodness and love and kindness and gentleness and patience and fore-bearing one another, regardless of race, creed, color, financial status, physical appearance, or what the heck ever. It's so simple to look with the eyes of your heart
So many people who are doing well credit-wise in the tri-state area face a harder time finding work. And all for what, so some people who hide can be ultimately rich/ Dang man, who doesn't want to be super filthy rich these days? But it's what our minds and mouths say in which it is given. Our actions not only speak louder than words but are connected to the super power of all existence and it works what ever way you work it.
I totally believe in karma because if you look at space and all that is currently occurring, you will most certainly find that everything and a human does on earth from thinking to speaking and doing acts of anything affect the universe. There are so many different ideas about karma just look at the proof. I mean I'm not trying to paint a negative picture here. I can tell you all kinds of grime I grew up with on the east coast but who the heck cares about that crap. It's not knowing the truth about something but knowing what to do after you received truth is what the key to solving problems. Also, this whole thing with not having patience or the brutality in teaching and up-bringing is not cool. Its so nice to just smile and say, "It’s ok, you'll get it. Don't worry - just focus. I'm here for you and I have your back!" Instead, for years we have been creating the residue of what you see today. Rush, rush, rush and be elite! What a crock of retarded poop!
I remember Thomas Paine's book Rights of a Man/Common Sense he spoke about running from the English and coming here because they were doing the same damned thing. Control fixation all the way home! What the heck is all the fear about!? Have we completely lost contact with true essence, or did we simply just didn't want to see the emptiness of a cold-hearted society not only being taken over by mind controlling crap, but the reason why we are so easy enslaved these days is because the home is not what it could be.
Moms, dads - what’s going on? Afraid you’re going to lose something because you don't want to show them what’s better? Just sitting down and watching what they want to watch is enough to give them the comfort they need to attain a healthy social status but you see what we have here in this age is a bunch of ‘what’s in it for me?’ attitude, hailing all the way from janitors to corporate conglomerates. Kids, too - being as mean as mean can get and doing what they have to do to survive the life.
SOMEBODY SCREAM! I hear ya, Occupying factors out there in
Life the way it was back then, may have not had its conveniences but it had moxy! Life back in the day had balls. Yeah man, I said it! Back in the day, you didn't have a computer but you knew where to meet on a Friday night. Back then you didn't have a cell phone but made sure you wrote a note to your friend day before. Today everyone is so cold and people are only after one thing, and that is to be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of goodness and right standing. Hell, I'm not talking about people's personal lives because no one can do anything about anyone but themselves. I'm talking about how we live with each other on earth. How we work together and share everything. What is our goal in life? Is it the pride of life and is it on some sick psycho carrousel that doesn't stop unless you turn the other way and walk and never go down that road again!?!
You ever wonder why certain people on this earth lived greatly? Because they were great? I'm not talking about ability because Moses was definitely a “not so bright” character who totally changed the future of
I love you.
Criss Blakk
P.S. If we follow our true self, it will only lead to good things.
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